10 noiembrie 2008

Fii om de cuvant!

A fi un om de cuvant este cel mai fundamental lucru pentru a fi o persoana integra. Acest lucru te ajuta in construirea si in intretinerea unei imagini personale bune, unei reputatii pozitive. A fi om de cuvant inseamna indeplinirea promisiunilor facute indiferent de ce intervine, inseamna a fi un om cu mintea deschisa, un om puternic. Astfel castigi increderea si admiratia oamenilor cu care relationezi. Este preferabil ca o persoana sa faca doar acele promisiuni pe care le poate respecta in totalitate.

"Promise only what you can deliver. Then deliver more than you promise."

"Promises are like babies: easy to make, hard to deliver."

"There is no greater fraud than a promise not kept." (Proverb galez)

"He loses his thanks who promises and delays."

"Being of no power to make his wishes good:

His promises fly so beyond his state

That what he speaks is all in debt;

he owes For every word."

(William Shakespeare)

"Promises are like the full moon, if they are not kept at once they diminish day by day." (proverb german)

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